Conan O'Brien rips Apple's Final Cut Pro X on show
Late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien took time out of his show Thursday to take a crack at Apple's latest video-editing software, which the company released on Tuesday."Apple just released a new version of their famous editing software Final Cut Pro, but apparently it's so different from the last version of Final Cut, video and film editors all over Hollywood are having a hard time adjusting to it," O'Brien said. "Well our editors here at 'Conan' are some of the best in the business. They actually like the new software, in fact they prepared this video statement voicing their support for the new Final Cut Pro." What follows is a video that O'Brien's staff jokes was made with Final Cut Pro X. It contains numerous hiccups, from ill-timed cuts, to problems with audio and video synchronization and color matching, to media showing up as offline.While the joke may be inside baseball to most viewers, it comes at a time when Apple is receiving considerable criticism about the software from longtime Final Cut Pro users due to some of the drastic changes made. Final Cut Pro X represents a complete rewrite, and rethink, of the platform used by what Apple says is about 2 million customers. As a result, many features available in legacy versions of the software have not made the transition, keeping some professional outfits from making the jump.Final Cut Pro X currently sits as the second most popular paid application on Apple's Mac App Store, just behind the company's 99-cent FaceTime application. So far it's amassed more than 900 customer reviews, 421 of which are one star out of five. On Wednesday--the day after the software's release--some reviews briefly disappeared, returning a day later, prompting speculation that Apple was trying to shape perceptions.You can catch the whole segment from O'Brien's show below:(via @1001noisycamera)